Thursday, August 28, 2008


Check out these very cool ladies. This photo has been lovingly restored by Jenifer West, the President of the Patterson Centennial Committee. It shows us two usherettes posed in front of the Del Puerto Theater.

Why is it that people in old photos seem so elegant and regal? Ever noticed that? Pictures of my dad in his WWII uniform, and my mom with her hair all coiffed and her petite figure in some amazing 40's was just a different time, I guess.

When I was a child and well into my early years as a mother, the Del Puerto Theater was such a cool place. Every Christmas season, Mrs. Fink would have Santa come by after the movie and hand out candy to all the children. What a thrill that was!

I remember watching just about every classic Disney film in that theater. Then in later years, I enjoyed getting scarred by the likes of Vincent Price and Christopher Lee. I even recall my first kiss in the balcony of that theater.

I have no idea who these ladies are, but if anyone knows (Claude-a little help here) please comment here and share the knowledge.


SmallTownGal said...

The burning question of the day....

Who was the recipient of your first balcony kiss?

This could be an interesting follow-up story.

Carol Scoles said...

A lady never tells.