Thursday, February 5, 2009

Remember Roseann Roseanna Dana?

Gilda Radner created an unforgettable character in the early days of SNL: Roseann Roseanna Dana. This middle-aged single woman, with out-of-control hair, would rant on and on about anything.

Roseann would begin her diatribe with a particular subject in mind, but then as she delivered her very unique perspective, her mind would wander and somehow the audience would hear about a little drop of sweat precariously dangling from someone's nose as they prepared her pizza!

No matter how ridiculous her story was, she always ended it with the following words:

"It just goes to's always something."

That sentiment is simple and very true.

If it's not GPAC, it's planning commission. If it's not Walgreen's, it's Wal-Mart. If it's not the State budget, it's the State drought. There's plenty to keep a body spinning.

The trick is to find humor in the little annoyances. Realize that what may seem HUGE today, will morph into routine tomorrow. And when it seems like there's just one challenge after another to rely on the words of wisdom from an unlikely hero:

"It just goes to's always something."

RIP - Gilda

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