Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Say it isn't so.........

My husband and I disagree on very little. But on the subject of Wal-Mart, we don't see eye-to-eye.
Being open minded is something I work at almost daily. So when Gary told me that he thinks Wal-Mart isn't the huge threat I consider it to be..........I listened. It's hard to disagree with some of his points:
Earning minimum wage with no benefits may be the only job some people are qualified for. For those folks, working at Wal-Mart would be a blessing. Or maybe a family needs a second income, that too would be helpful.
But what if those same people could get a job at - oh I don't know, let's say - Trader Joe's. They pay very well, plus benefits including retirement. How about Starbucks? They offer their employees more than minimum AND benefits.
Here's some other concerns.
Traffic problems in and around the area.
Trash - ever noticed how the parking lots are maintained (or not)
Will the residents have the opportunity to "weigh in" on this matter?

1 comment:

The Writer said...

If Wal-Mart does come into the town, there are no guarantees that the jobs available will even go to Patterson residents.

If Wal-Mart does set up shop here, small business will suffer. If small businesses suffer, the employees of those businesses may no longer have a job to go to.

Sure, Wal-Mart could bring jobs to this town... but how many other jobs would it eliminate along the way?